Project management
The Project Management Committee (PMC) will guarantee the successful management of the partnership and implementation of the project.
The Project Management Committee meet on a 6-monthly basis and is chaired by the lead partner.
PMC meetings:
- 4 and 5 February 2009, Dorchester, Dorset (PDF, 200 KB)
- 18 and 19 August 2009, Ostend, Belgium (PDF, 900 KB)
- 18 and 19 February 2010, Bruges, Belgique (PDF, 60 KB)
- 15 and 16 July 2010, Dorchester, Dorset (PDF, 135 KB)
- 17 Februari 2011, Ghent, Belgium (PDF, 131 KB)
- 8 and 9 September 2011, Bruges, Belgium (PDF, 480 KB)
- 16 and 17 February 2012, Ostend, Belgium (PDF, 565 KB)
PMC members:
- Coordination Centre on ICZM: Kathy Belpaeme (Project Manager, chair of the PMC), Sofie Vanhooren (project coordinator), Valérie Vanhecke (project assistant). .
- Province of West-Flanders: Sophie Devlieghere (financial manager)
- Dorset County Council: Ken Buchan (Project Manager)
- Dorset Coast Forum: Ness Smith (C-SCOPE Project Officer), Bridget Betts (DCF Coordinator)
- Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ): Jan Mees and An-Katrien Lescrauwaet
The Joint Technical Secretariat of the 2 Seas programme is invited to participate in the PMC.
Role and tasks of the PMC:
- Critically assess and agree project work programme and trans-national aspects
- Have overall financial and management responsibility for the project
- Ensure project goals are met on time and on budget
- Oversee progress of project in terms of deliverables to funders
- Oversee the management of the project team
- Ensure that the C-SCOPE Project is well coordinated and communicated nationally, regionally and locally
- Evaluate progress and outcomes
Project Groups
Steering Groups will guide the Project Managers , who will oversee the whole project, and also the ‘Task and Finish’ Groups who will guide the work of the partners and ensure an active involvement of coastal and maritime stakeholders. More information on their work can be found below
DCF Steering Group
- 19 April 2011, the minutes
- 12 October 2010, the minutes
- 14 July 2010, the minutes
- 21 April 2010, the minutes
- 13 January 2010, the minutes
- 14 October 2009, the minutes
- 15 July 2009, the minutes
- 21 April 2009, the minutes
Marine Spatial Planning Group
- 07 October 2010, the minutes
- 12 May 2010, the minutes
- 09 February 2010, the minutes
- 03 Novembre 2009, the minutes
- 10 August 2009, the minutes
Coastal Explorer Planning Group
- 11 November 2010, the minutes
- 20 July 2010, the minutes
- 03 December 2009, the minutes
- 04 August 2009, the minutes
Coastal Explorer Interactive Group
- 13 October 2010, the minutes
- 25 January 2010, the minutes
- 10 August 2009, the minutes
Communication Group
- 21 August 2009, the minutes
- 08 December 2009, the minutes